[vcex_heading text=”Superior Service” text_align=”center” color=”#ffffff” font_size=”42px”]

SCA Pharma has three levels of service dedicated to every hospital: Customer Service, Outside Sales and Inside Sales. This team works as a single entity to service your account, understand your pharmacy’s individual needs, and ensure you receive exceptional service in every interaction with SCA Pharma.

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[vcex_heading text=”The SCA Difference” tag=”h3″ font_weight=”semibold” font_size=”18px”][vcex_divider_dots align=”left” color=”#4d49be” margin=”top:5px|bottom:15px”]

We believe superior customer service plays a major role when deciding to partner with a vendor and we strive to be a seamless extension of your pharmacy. We never want to be more than an email or phone call away.

SCA Pharma’s customer service department is available M-F from 7am-7pm CST. For after hours/emergency requests, customers can contact their dedicated account representative via email or phone.

Our online ordering system and CSOS are available 24 hours a day to place orders. Contact our Customer Service department or your Account Representative for more information.

Reoccurring orders are also available to help ensure your facility receives regular deliveries. Talk to your customer service representative to learn more.

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